Organization Restructuring

$40M Insurance Provider


  • The company was an 8-year-old, small business insurance provider
  • Rapid growth had slowed, and profitability was significantly negative year over year
  • The Board replaced the founding CEO and the incumbent CEO wanted assistance evaluating key staff, people strategies, and hands-on HR support


  • Conducted a company-wide assessments and developed plans to address top tier areas
  • Facilitated a hands-on approach with process development, sourcing strategies and partners, and in filling key roles
  • Authored and implemented communications strategies
  • Implemented HR process development
  • Acted as a key adviser to CEO


  • Stabilized and grew HR capabilities
  • Reduced turnover and improved talent acquisition processes
  • Reduced turnover and improved talent acquisition processes
  • Improved quality of wellness programs while saving 10% YOY
  • Replaced key HR tools and systems for improved visibility and efficiency