Manish Deoghare
Senior Director
Manish has over 25 years of wide experience in strategic sourcing & supply chain management working in variety of industry verticals – Consulting, IT/ITES, Computer Hardware and Petrochemicals. He brings deep expertise in supply management strategies & execution combining process efficiency with technology. He has passion for solving complex business problems in the field.
Manish worked with leading global companies, both in the USA and India that include Dell, Georgia-Pacific, Genpact, BMC
Software and Reliance Industries. At Genpact, he led procurement consulting engagements with the likes of GE Energy, eBay and Genworth Financial. Prior to his current role, Manish led BMC Software’s supply management for EMEA & APAC
regions supporting major R&D hubs in India/Israel and sales operations in over 35 countries, wherein he also led
Contingent Workforce (CW) category globally.
Manish has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shivaji University in India and an MBA from
University of Georgia, USA. He is an international member of Institute for Supply Management and has earned CPM &
CPSM certifications. He is also a certified lean six-sigma black-belt.